Bishop Hiiboro Calls upon South Sudanese to Embrace Work

Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio, Barani Eduardo Hiiboro has called upon all South Sudanese to embrace work and give it their best in order to bring peace and stability to the country.

Bishop Hiiboro Calls upon South Sudanese to Embrace Work
Bishop Hiiboro Calls upon South Sudanese to Embrace Work

Speaking to Rurugene Online News on the occasion of International Labour Day 2021, Bishop Hiiboro said that work was ordained and blessed by God who himself did work.

“The International Labour Day is a day that has been chosen to give respect to workers and respect to the dignity of work,” Bishop Hiiboro explained adding that work takes its origin, its meaning, and its identity from God the Creator of the universe. “God worked with attention and love as he created the world carefully, evaluating all that he was making and putting it in order.”

The Bishop further explained that after creating the universe, God decided to create a human being in his own image and likeness and gave him the command to multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and because of this we are co-creators with God; the reason why he gave us the ability, skills, and knowledge to invent the thing that enhances our lives and his work.

“All these things we do, we are using the resources God himself had put on the earth, under the earth, above the air, and in the sky to enhance and better our lives. By entrusting humanity to stewardship of this our earthly home, God already blessed work and endorsed it as a model of living,” Bishop Hiiboro expounded adding that God legitimized work as a requirement towards achieving anything that is good.

“Work is a good thing, we have seen what God's work has done, the result of it is ourselves and all the resources that we have at our disposal. Everything we see, everything we have is the result of God's work. Therefore all of us are invited to take our work seriously; be creative and hard-working in order to improve our living state,” Bishop Hiiboro advised.

He indicated that anything troubling a community or an individual can easily be solved through hard work and creativity.

“I am therefore calling on all of us, if you are a road construction worker, please do that job well; if you are an economist, do that job with dedication. If you are a teacher, be creative and work hard; if you are a nurse, do the same; if you are a farmer be dedicated to your farm; if you are a priest, work hard in collaboration with your community and be creative.”

The Bishop said that if all are dedicated, hardworking, and creative, the ultimate result would be peace, development, and improvement of people's life. He believes that work can replace violence, war, and strife with development, progress, solidarity, unity, appreciation, empathy.

“My dear brothers and sisters as we celebrate International Labour Day, let us be dedicated to our work. The only way we can fix the situation in South Sudan today is if we work hard, creatively, and diligently and strive to build our nation in whichever way we can, through whatever profession we are in and in whatever vocation we are embracing,” Bishop Hiiboro urged.

He invoked the intercession of St. Joseph on all South Sudanese nationals as he prayed that they will embrace the spirit of St. Joseph who is the model of a diligent worker.