CODEP Launches School Feeding Program in Yambio to Combat Food Insecurity and Boost Learning

CODEP Launches School Feeding Program in Yambio to Combat Food Insecurity and Boost Learning

CODEP Launches School Feeding Program in Yambio to Combat Food Insecurity and Boost Learning

By Baraka John

The Catholic Organization for Peace and Development (CODEP) on Tuesday 4th, June 2024, commenced the distribution of essential food items to Catholic schools in Yambio, marking the beginning of a significant school feeding program aiming to address food insecurity among the primary and nursery school pupils and promote better learning outcomes.  

Amidst the distribution process, the director of CODEP emphasized the importance of ensuring that every child has access to nutritious meals, especially during their school day. The message reiterated the organization's commitment to supporting education and holistic development in the region.

Speaking at St. Gabriel Junior Primary School while distributing food items, the diocesan education coordinator Mr. Ceaser Doudou said the food items will help nourish the minds of pupils to focus on their studies.

“The provision of food to schools is not just about filling empty stomachs; it's about nourishing young minds and bodies, ensuring that children have the energy and focus they need to succeed academically," expressed Mr. Doudou.

The distribution of food items, including rice, cooking oil, beans, sugar, and milk will provide a vital lifeline for many students who come from vulnerable households facing food insecurity. By partnering with Catholic Schools, CODEP aims to reach a significant number of children in need and contribute to their overall well-being.  

The school feeding program aligns with CODEP's broader mission of promoting community development and enhancing access to education in underserved areas. Through collaborative efforts with local partners and stakeholders, the organization is determined to make a meaningful impact on the lives of children in Yambio.

As the distribution continues, CODEP remains committed to working closely with schools and communities to ensure the effective implementation and sustainability of the school feeding program. This initiative not only addresses immediate need for food, but also lays the foundation for a brighter and more promising future for the next generation