Community of Mambe Join Hands in Supporting the Construction of a Borehole by the Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CODEP)

The community of Mambe Payam together with the parishioners at St Lucy Parish, converged this afternoon to help transport aggregate stones to the site of the newly dug well, which is expected to be converted into a hand pump water borehole.

Community of Mambe Join Hands in Supporting the Construction of a Borehole by the Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CODEP)
Community participating in the project of constructing hand-dug well

Community of Mambe Join Hands in Supporting the Construction of a Borehole by the Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CODEP)

By Baraka

The community of Mambe Payam together with the parishioners at St Lucy Parish, converged this afternoon to help transport aggregate stones to the site of the newly dug well, which is expected to be converted into a hand pump water borehole.

Young men in Mambe payam, showed signs of commitment towards the process of establishing a water point in the area, as they worked together with the CODEP’s wash officers implementing the project.

On the 14th of March 2023 afternoon, trips of sand and aggregate stones were transported near wells in Maridi and Mambe awaiting the molding of rings.

According to CODEP’s wash officer, Mr. Alfonso Urusa, molding rings is a priority as of now because the rainy season has resumed. He added, the rings have to be molded faster to enable them to dry up before heavy downpours commence.

CODEP has planned to dig seven hand-pump water sources in different locations in the Diocese with the aim to curb water scarcity among the community.

The targeted areas include Maridi, Mambe, Yambio, Gangura, Ezo, and Bangasu. Last week, the wash project was launched in Maridi and Mambe.