Church supplement the work of government, says Bishop

The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala is very instrumental in supplementing the services offered by the government as from time immemorial, the Church has been at the forefront of offering social services to the communities. Among these services include health programs, Education as well as Agriculture programs.

Church supplement the work of government, says Bishop
Church supplement the work of government, says Bishop

Bishop Hiiboro said this when he welcomed at the Diocesan Curia the vice president of service Cluster Hussein Abdelbagi Achol and other delegations that had come from Juba to Nzara County in Western Equatoria State for the official opening of the modern eye clinic established by the Catholic Church through financial support from the government of Germany.

Bishop acknowledged the efforts and commitments of the Government of Western Equatoria State for cooperating and working together with the Church in order to build a peaceful community for the people of Western Equatoria.

He further said that people should not get worried about the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio inviting the vice president of the Republic of South Sudan to come to the State because the Church and government works for hand in hand for peace and the growth of the people.

By Kutiote James Martin