BISHOP ORIENTATION:  To be Generous or Kind is a Happy Job!  

BISHOP ORIENTATION:  To be Generous or Kind is a Happy Job!   
Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, Bishop of CDTY

BISHOP ORIENTATION:  To be Generous or Kind is a Happy Job!

Our Today's Saints: Cosmas & Damian

Today is the optional memorial of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, who were twin brothers born in the third century in Arabia.

Both Cosmas and Damian became physicians, and in true Christian charity, refused to accept payment from their patients. During the persecutions under Roman Emperor Diocletian, the brothers’ renown in their Christian community made them easy targets.

They were imprisoned and tortured by various means in an effort to force them to recant their faith, and after surviving most of these tortures while remaining true to Christ, Cosmas and Damian were finally beheaded.

What draws me to the story of Sts?

Cosmas and Damian is not only their adherence to the faith while under excruciating torture, but also their unfailing generosity to those around them.

Making Generosity Real

The Generosity is not only exemplified by a wealthy man donating money to charitable causes, nor only by going on mission trips to help those in poverty, nor is it demonstrated by showering poor children with gifts at Christmastide, Birthdays, Feast Days.

We can cultivate the virtue of generosity in ourselves much closer to home and on a daily basis—just as St. Cosmas and St. Damian did.

Generosity is lived out by a talented musician volunteering at his church to worship God in song, or by a mother who prepares and brings home-cooked meals to other families in her parish who have a new baby or have had a recent surgery. Also assisting a community project or paying school fees of your neighbor’s child among others.

There is also spiritual and emotional generosity:

Being present and available to our siblings, parents and friends as they struggle with transitions and discernment.

When we engage in these acts of generosity, we serve Christ by serving others—even if it is not necessarily a sacrifice for us to do so. (Although I know for myself, the sacrifice that comes with being generous is striving to be selfless in my generosity and not to expect or desire reciprocation.)

We are called to use anything that we have been given in order to glorify God.

This works for you

Questions for Reflection: Have you ever been the recipient of an act of generosity that changed your life? How?

Let us of prayer through these Holy men Damian and Cosmas

Saints Cosmas and Damian, through your heroic witness of martyrdom, we ask your intercession to embolden the weak, to strengthen the hesitant, to give words to the meek, and to unleash the hidden power of the Gospel in all those who could do more, Amen (Kinasidu).

South Sudan, the land of surprises is need of several Damians and Cosmas!

Happy Feast Day of Sts Cosmas and Damian!

Please do work and pray for justice!

Happy New Week!!

Happy New Day!!!

Baira sukudironi du!