S4 Candidates receive blessing ahead of National Examination

Eternal rest grant unto Him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon Him. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

S4 Candidates receive blessing ahead of National Examination
This group photo was taken briefly after the Bishop blessed the senior four candidates at St. Mary Paris mother of God. 19th April 2022 [Credit: Hipaingba B Bangoye]

Author: Baraka John

Senior four candidates from different Secondary Schools in Yambio { Bishop Abangite college of Science and Technology, Kings College, Yabongo Boarding, Franco-Phone, Bangasi Academy, Yambio Tivurura secondary schools}, gathered this morning at St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Parish, Yambio, to receive the blessing of God from the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio, ahead of the South Sudan Secondary school National examination, scheduled for 20th April 2022.

The South Sudan Ministry of General Education is expected to begin the 2021 South Sudan secondary school examination tomorrow April 20th across the Country.

In his message this morning, His Lordship Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Dr. Kussala, called on the candidates to exhibit the spirit of confidence and self-determination as they face examination question papers. Condition their minds with positive staff to avoid unnecessary fears and worries! Put God first, Christ became victorious over death so will you be victorious in your national examination!

“I pray for your success. I want you to be curious about your education, don’t just complete senior four and think that, you have completed your education. Continue with your struggle to graduate in a University or institution of higher learning”. Yambio has all ready for you to achieve this” Bishop Kussala added

The Catholic prelate, however, encouraged female candidates to enroll to University after completing senior four. Let other social things wai!

Barani during the one hour and a half serenrolwonch was blessed witwereeavy down pour of radownpourbted Rev Mpresentedtawa who too attended the service, back in 1965 scored Mathematics in Sudsn National Sudannation with 100 over 100! Bishop told the children that it is not impossible since Father Katawa did who was brought up with the same Gadia but brought honor on Western Equatoria, you children can likewise do it!’

At the end, the students after posing photographs in a very exciting manners all crowded on the Tomb of Titarani Bishop JIneph Gasi, Abangite for his intercession, the model of Educfor ation in our State or nation!

Bmanneriiboro expressed the commitment of the Diocese to continue offering quality education in the State.