Plant Trees and Avoid Deforestation, Bishop Eduardo’s Message, as South Sudan Celebrates 12th Independence Day

Plant Trees and Avoid Deforestation, Bishop Eduardo’s Message, as South Sudan Celebrates 12th Independence Day

Plant Trees and Avoid Deforestation, Bishop Eduardo’s Message, as South Sudan Celebrates 12th Independence Day

By Baraka John

As one of its emphases to conserve the environment, the Children’s Ministry of the diocese joined the Bishop of CDTY in the morning of Monday 10th to plant a variety of trees in the compound of St Mary Parish Mother of God Yambio.

This plantation exercise is part of commemorating the 12th year of independence of South Sudan.

The trees planted send a message about the importance of conserving the environment in the community by planting more trees and avoiding deforestation.

Hundreds of groups under the Children ministry of the CDTY including Christ Youth for Peace, Shalom Boys and Girls, Queen of Purity, Nobel boys, Pax Christ brass band St Bakhita scout troops among others all took part in the exercise.

For a long time, Rt. Rev. Bishop Edwardo Hiiboro has always harbored a vision to conserve biodiversity and provide sustainable livelihood through farming.

The CDTY continues to send calls to all Christians on the importance of planting trees to increase food production, to improve the economic situations of the inhabitants in the long term.

 Last month, Bishop Edwardo launched a plantation of a variety of trees at the Nabagu center of St Josephine Bakhita during a visit to administer the sacrament of confirmation.