Don Bosco Secondary School Students Lead Maridi's Transformation: A Tale of Youth, Unity, and Environmental Change

Don Bosco Secondary School Students Lead Maridi's Transformation: A Tale of Youth, Unity, and Environmental Change
A section of students during the cleaning exercise

Don Bosco Secondary School Students Lead Maridi's Transformation: A Tale of Youth, Unity, and Environmental Change

By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA

As the Catholic Church comes to the end of season of creation on October 4th, the students of Don Bosco Secondary School embarked on a mission that would transform not only their immediate surroundings but also the attitudes of the people living there. Fueled by a shared passion for cleanliness and environmental care, the students organized a massive cleaning event that aimed to breathe new life into their town.

In his message for this year’s season of creation, Pope Francis said, “as followers of Christ on our shared synodal journey, let us live, work and pray that our common home will teem with life once again, and may the Holy Spirit once more hover over the waters and guide our efforts to “renew the face of the earth.”

This year, the theme for ecumenical season of creation is “Let justice and peace flow,” and symbolised with the mighty river, an evocative image borrowed from prophet Amos in his message when he said, “Let justice flow on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream” (Amos 5:24).

The presence and appreciation expressed by the county education director, representative from the county health department, and the authorities of Maridi are essential for acknowledging the students' hard work and dedication. Recognizing their efforts in maintaining cleanliness and promoting environmental consciousness serves as a positive reinforcement for the students and motivates them to continue their good work.

Additionally, the support and encouragement from these local authorities play a significant role in inspiring the broader community to adopt similar practices. When respected figures in the community endorse such initiatives, it sends a powerful message to the local residents, encouraging them to follow the example set by Don Bosco students.

Community Leaders adressing the community

This collaborative effort between the students, educational authorities, and local community leaders not only contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment but also fosters a sense of civic pride and responsibility among everyone involved. Such initiatives are essential for building stronger, more responsible communities and nurturing a culture of environmental stewardship.

The story of Don Bosco Secondary School students and their impactful initiative served as a beacon of hope, proving that when a community comes together, guided by the passion of its youth and supported by its leaders, incredible transformations are possible. Maridi became a living example of how harmony in action could turn a dream of a cleaner, healthier environment into a tangible reality, reminding everyone that positive change begins with a single, determined step.