The Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio has Announced Three Days of Mourning for Fr. Luke Yugue and his Driver, Michael Gbeko

The Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio has Announced Three Days of Mourning for Fr. Luke Yugue and his Driver, Michael Gbeko

The Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio has Announced Three Days of Mourning for Fr. Luke Yugue and his Driver, Michael Gbeko

By. Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA

Following the shocking disappearance of Fr. Luke Yugue and his driver Mr. Michael Gbeko who went missing on April 27, 2024, the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY) has announced three days of mourning from 23rd – to 25th May 2024 ending with a funeral Mass on 25th May at St. Mary Mother of God Yambio.

The two were traveling from Nagero to Tambura County when they mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind only questions and concerns about their fate. The prelate has noted that as they go into the funeral period their “quest for search, truth and justice will not stop”.

Describing his beloved priest, bishop Eduardo said that Fr. Luke was dedicated to serving the displaced and suffering people affected by the ongoing communal conflict in Nagero and Tombura counties.

The local ordinary of CDTY noted that just as our Lord Jesus Christ gave up his life on the cross and was crucified by his people, so Fr. Luke Yugue and Mr. Michael Gbeko have been martyred by some of their very own

“Like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior who gave up his life on the cross, shedding his blood for our salvation, Fr. Yugue and his driver Mr, Gbeko, too have shed their blood while serving the people they were sent to serve. As our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified by some of his very own, the people He was sent to serve, Fr, Yugue and Mr, Gbeko have been also martyred by some of his very own”.

Appealing to the community not to revenge over the disappearance of the two, bishop Hiiboro called on the community to hold on to the teaching of the Church, and drawing an example from the Gospel of John 18;10-11, where Jesus told Peter to put down his sword into its sheath, bishop opined that Fr. Luke Yugue is also asking the same of them, to put their swords into their sheaths and to act like Peter did.

Reflecting too from the book of 1st Sam 17: 47, the bishop said, “No matter how weak and vulnerable the Church may look now, God is in complete control and that the battle is the Lord’s. God will never abandon his Church. God is going to use this trying moment to make his Church even stronger and more vibrant than ever”. He further added that even though the church permits the act of self-defense, the act of revenge is forbidden.

In his letter shared with the Rurugene Online Newsletter acknowledged that they belong to the country of laws, and the death of the priest and his driver should run its course through the legal system.

“We belong to the country of laws. And it must be so, we have to trust the legal system of our nation. But we have to let justice for the death of Fr. Yugue and his driver run its course through the legal system. Let us allow the government to do its job”.  

Bishop Hiiboro urged the community not to get involve in revenge, division, and hatred since this will make the process of achieving peace difficult.

“When we are involved in acts of revenge, division, and hatred are deepened and peace becomes difficult to achieve. In addition to that, those involved in acts of revenge may find themselves in deep trouble with the authorities that they will end up paying for severely”.

He also acknowledges that all of them are in the process of building a peaceful nation where people from different ethnicities and communities can co-exist and join hands together to achieve common goals and the dream can only be achieved through peaceful co-existence and not through division, violence, and acts of revenge and that the Church stands for justice and peace.

As the search continues, the bishop of CTDY has called for prayers and support for the families of the missing individuals.