The Deputy Commissioner of the National Revenue Authority Gives Lecture at Catholic University of South Sudan Yambio

Hon. Africano Manday, the Deputy Commissioner of the Nation Revenue Authority in the Republic of South Sudan on 25th March on the Occasion of the Celebrations of Our Lady of Annunciation gave a public lecture at St. John University College, a Campus of the Catholic University of South Sudan situated in Yambio town.

The Deputy Commissioner of the National Revenue Authority Gives Lecture at Catholic University of South Sudan Yambio
Hon. Africano Mande, Deputy Commissioner National Revenue Authority South Sudan
The Deputy Commissioner of the National Revenue Authority Gives Lecture at Catholic University of South Sudan Yambio

Speaking to over 200 students, Hon Africano told the students that they have to be creative in the midst of difficulties and challenges of life such especially with limited resources and they have to focus their understanding of sustainable development goals on practical things in order to answer to the needs, challenges and difficulties their communities and the society at large is facing.

Hon Africano Mande until the last year 2020 was the governor of now-defunct Meridi State. The Lecture he delivered at St. John University College was also covered by Anisa FM Radio, meaning that the audience was in thousands owing to the fact that many people tuned in to listen to him.

In his Lecture, he underscored the fact that God created human beings in his own image and endowed them with wisdom to think, be creative, and innovative. He, therefore, urged students and young people to not only engage their minds in reading theories but also to be critical and inventive such that they can also find ways on how their education can be an answer to the challenges facing the communities, society, and the nation.

Speaking from his own experiences, he was able to encourage the people to follow in things that are practical. The Lecture was also attended by many dignitaries, among them the government officials and church leaders including Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio, Barani Eduardo Hiiboro. The lecture actually in a way was about doing bigger things with very little resources.