Groundbreaking Pediatric Ward Launched in Nzara County: A Beacon of Hope for Children's Healthcare

Groundbreaking Pediatric Ward Launched in Nzara County: A Beacon of Hope for Children's Healthcare
Picture of the Bishop Hiiboro and St. Theresa Hospital during the launching of the Pediatric Ward in Nzara County [Emmanuel Mandella: The City Review]

Groundbreaking Pediatric Ward Launched in Nzara County: A Beacon of Hope for Children's Healthcare

By Emmanuel Mandella

In a significant stride towards improving healthcare services for children in Nzara County, St. Theresa Hospital, in collaboration with the Catholic Church and generous well-wishers, has officially launched the construction of a modern pediatric ward. This initiative promises to transform the healthcare landscape for the region's youngest and most vulnerable residents.

Barani Edwardo Hiiboro Kusalla, head of the Catholic Churches in the Tambura-Yambio Diocese, expressed profound gratitude to the partners supporting this essential project and highlighted the broader vision behind this initiative, noting the temporary halt of a similar project in Tombura due to conflict. Speaking to The City Review, Kusalla shared,

“Laying down the foundation of this modern children's hospital is a dream come true. I believe that where there is peace, there is more service delivery, and this hospital is a testament to the peace we are building, I plan to ensure that no child has to die from preventable diseases in South Sudan and Western Equatoria State,” he said.

The administrator of St. Theresa Hospital, Mr. Benson Wakore, echoed Kusalla's optimism, emphasizing the project's potential to become a central hub for healthcare services in the country. “This hospital will be the centerpiece of health services in the nation,” Wakore stated. He urged hospital workers to maintain professionalism, as their dedication is crucial to attracting ongoing support from partners.

Dr. Taban Charles, a key figure in the hospital, underscored the Catholic Church's pivotal role in the region's healthcare advancements.

“The future belongs to the children who are alive today, most of our patients are children and pregnant mothers, who are among the most vulnerable populations. This modern pediatric ward will provide comprehensive services to children in South Sudan and beyond” Charles remarked.

St. Theresa Hospital has a history of pioneering healthcare initiatives in Nzara County. Last year, the hospital introduced neonatal care for premature babies and established the first modern blood bank and eye clinic in Western Equatoria State.

This new pediatric ward is not just a building; it symbolizes hope and a brighter future for countless children and families in the region. The collaborative effort behind its construction reflects a community united in its commitment to healthcare and the well-being of its children.