Farmers to Gain Vital Skills in Ongoing Disease and Pest Control Training by CODEP

Farmers to Gain Vital Skills in Ongoing Disease and Pest Control Training by CODEP
Mr. Marcel Constantino

Farmers to Gain Vital Skills in Ongoing Disease and Pest Control Training by CODEP

By Baraka John  

CODEP has launched comprehensive training sessions focusing on disease and pest control, to targeted farmers groups undergoing crop production training projects, in a bid to boost agricultural productivity and resilience among local farmers in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY)

The initiative kicked off on Monday, June 24th, 2024, at the St. Paul Parish, Gitikiri of Yambio County.   

Under the auspices of the Catholic Organization for Peace and Development (CODEP), similar training programs are scheduled to follow in Rii Rangu and Naandi, extending the reach of vital agricultural knowledge on diseases and pest control.

Rev. Fr. Bie Emmanuel Gbafu, the Diocesan Director of Agriculture, emphasized the fundamental role of training in equipping farmers with essential skills to combat crop diseases and pests effectively. "This training is crucial as it empowers our farmers with practical strategies to safeguard their crops, ensuring sustainable yields despite environmental challenges,"

Facilitating the session, Mr. Marcelo Constantino underscored the importance of adopting modern pest and disease control methods. "Farmers must embrace these advanced techniques to protect their crops from the ravages of pests and diseases," Constantino urged participants.

The training is part of CODEP's broader mission to enhance agricultural practices and improve food security within the community. By empowering local farmers with up-to-date knowledge and techniques, CODEP aims to foster agricultural sustainability and economic prosperity in the region.

As the sessions continue in different parts of CDTY, farmers are expected to gain invaluable insights and practical skills that will fortify their ability to manage and protect their crops effectively against various threats.