Residents Decry Hike on Fuel Price in Yambio

Residents Decry Hike on Fuel Price in Yambio

Residents Decry Hike on Fuel Price in Yambio

By Baraka John      

Residents in the western counties of Western Equatoria State have expressed deep concern and frustration over the significant increase in petrol prices in recent weeks. Residents, including farmers, traders, and commuters, have highlighted the adverse effects of these price hikes on their livelihoods.

"The sudden increase in petrol prices has made it difficult for us to transport our produce to the market," lamented John Given, a farmer from Kumbobangi Boma of Nzara County. "It affects our income and ability to provide for our families."

John said “1.5 liters of petrol is being sold at 17,500 South Sudanese pounds in the black-market equivalent to $16. Some of us have packed our motorcycles in the house because we cannot anymore afford to fuel them. John added. The grinding machines are not working anymore, people here find it difficult to grind flour for a meal”. 

Mr. Rago Girie from Saura Payam of Yambio County, a dealer in logging, said the hike has negatively affected his business as he could not make a profit again.

“As of now, I will be selling 2 by 3 Timber at 20, 000 ssp up from 6, 500 ssp up an old price, because like this I can make a reasonable profit and I will not operate at a loss”. Rago Girie stated. 

The rise in petrol prices has also triggered concerns about inflation and overall cost of living, with residents fearing further economic strain if the trend continues unchecked.

Done Boy, a boda boda rider in Yambio, said the current situation has forced many boda boda riders to stop work because of a lack of customers.

“The motorcycles are not our own, we borrow to work with, and by the end of the day, the owner needs money”.

Done Boy further narrated that if you charge a customer 5000ssp from a residential area to town he or she cannot accept because that money is too much to afford.

Done Boy added, “Because of the hike he doesn't receive customers like before, and ends up getting less than 10, 000ssp a day up from 30,000ssp a day”.

All petrol stations in Yambio remain closed as petrol and diesel are sold in the black market.  

 Efforts to reach the chairperson for Yambio County Chamber of Commerce and the head of petrol stations for comments were futile.