Let’s Try to Beat up Frustrations that Might Arise due to Covid 19

As the world grapples with the effects of Coronavirus, governments are urging people to take measure that would ensure that the disease is prevented. Among such measures include washing hands frequently with water and soap, keeping social distance, wearing masks and staying at home as much as possible to avoid getting in contacts with other people which might lead the spread of the virus.

Let’s Try to Beat up Frustrations that Might Arise due to Covid 19

By Simone Mikanipare

  While these measures are necessary to minimize the spread of what now the world considers the deadly virus, people are facing another big challenge, which in the end might prove deadlier in the long run. Frustrations and agitations; stress and even depression as a result of other unforeseen effects of Covid 19.

 Frustration in simple term means the feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of not being able to change or achieve something. Feelings of frustration may also arise when one is prevented from progressing, succeeding or fulfilling something, which can be an idea or ambition.

 While reports already indicate that there is an increase in domestic violence during these periods of government lockdowns and stay at home calls, many families lack knowledge on how to deal with frustrations that may arise from being locked down at home. Besides, the pandemic has given rise to other problems such loss of both businesses, jobs, and other sources of livelihood. All these are connected to our brain because they are our human needs. When we think deeply about these loses, we get frustrated. Being stuck at home and not in a position to get anything done can alone be very frustrating.

 It is therefore extremely important that we find ways to deal with these frustrations and not let them break us down or worse break our families and societies, which would be a bigger tragedy than the coronavirus itself. Simple hobbies such as reading books or watching TV together as a family or simply listening to soothing music, engaging in cookery and farming for those who are able to do so can help a great deal.

 It is important to note that although the pandemic has been devastating in many countries especially in Europe and America, on the flip side, it has brought families together by giving them time to bond and do simple things such as having a meal together, something that perhaps hardly ever happened due to busy schedules of parents as they fend for their families.

 We need to emphasize on the positive side of the pandemic, for instance those who stay in the rural areas have more time now to attend to their farms, meaning there will be something to harvest at the end of the season; additionally, the pandemic has made us learn how to economize the little that we have so that we can see tomorrow since we don't know when it will end as we continue to stay at home.

Another important lesson that the disease is teaching is to learn to put up with people especially family members who irritates us the most. Since we have to spend more time with such people as a result of stay at home directives, it will be better if we learn how to be patient with them, try loving them more and even capitalizing on their best habits and personalities.

 Let us therefore thrive to beat the negative effects of this virus and make the best out of the situation like mending relationships with our family members, discovering our hidden talents and putting them into practice, trying out on our hobbies which we abandoned due to lack of time and above all turn to God on our knees when everything seems overwhelming.