Church leader in Kiryndongo camp urges refugees to be alert of COVID 19

The Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) priest who was ordained to serve the congregations in kiryandongo refugee’s settlement, Namirembe church Kampala, St James salama Road Kampala, and St Thomas Abiriambati Zande Congregation in Arua has urged the refugees to on the alert of COVID 19 and take necessary precautions to avoid the spread of the virus in the settlement.

Church leader in Kiryndongo camp urges refugees to be alert of COVID 19

Speaking to Juba Monitor at Kiryandongo refugees’ settlement, Rev. Datrio Emmanuel Ruben said that coronavirus infections are on the increase in Uganda, and community infections keep rising every day. This he said is a cause of concern. As a result, he advised that following the free movements of people in the community, the church, and the market, there is a need for the protection of individuals in order to avoid getting infected or infecting others.

 Rev. Datrio urged the community members to always wear their face masks, maintain social distance, wash hands, avoiding crowding and sanitizing as they enter places of worship, market, school and distribution centers. At the same time, he urged those who are not feeling well to stay at home and avoid contact with other members of the community as per the measures stipulated by the Ministry of Health and the government of Uganda.

 He further called on the refugees living in the settlement to always report to the authorities such as LCs and refugees leaders of the settlement about suspected cases related to COVID19 for immediate response by the COVID19 task force team.

On occasion, Bent Gibson of Namirembe church Kampala urged all people to continue praying for peace in South Sudan and also for the forthcoming election in Uganda, which is scheduled for next year, 2021. He further called for unity and togetherness among the South Sudanese living in the various settlement in Uganda.

Gibson also urged all South Sudanese to forget the past, forgive and reconcile with one another in order to build the country.

By Gaaniko Samson Jerry