Barani Eduardo receives COVID-19 vaccine (PFIZER VACCINE); urges faithful to prayerfully discern being vaccinated. Bishop together with two his of Priests; Rev. Fr. Ibiko Maurice and Rev. Fr. Natale Vairi Simangi all their first Jap last Tuesday, October 13th, 2021, here in Kampala, Uganda.

Barani Eduardo receives COVID-19 vaccine (PFIZER VACCINE); urges faithful to prayerfully discern being vaccinated. Bishop together with two his of Priests; Rev. Fr. Ibiko Maurice and Rev. Fr. Natale Vairi Simangi all their first Jap last Tuesday, October 13th, 2021, here in Kampala, Uganda.

With Bishop’s openness to the possibility of vaccination with his two priests, this will serve now as an open door for all. It was morally permissible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and encourages the faithful to prayerfully consider being vaccinated against COVID-19.

When the COVID-19 vaccine was made available to anybody and above taking the chance of the availability in Uganda, with the level of encouragement from my two priests Fr. Natale and Fr. Maurice, I was able to receive my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. 

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the employees of Health Institutions and all health care professionals for their work caring for people during this pandemic, and now their efforts to facilitate the distribution of the vaccine, elsewhere in the world, here in Uganda and above all in my country the Republic of South Sudan.

Last September, In our South Sudan Regional Secretariate we the Bishops of South Sudan affirmed in our Pastoral Statement, that receiving certain COVID-19 vaccines is morally acceptable, and I am sharing a picture of my recent vaccination in hopes of encouraging Catholics and all people of South Sudan to prayerfully consider receiving one once they are eligible. 

I am happy to quote Pope Francis in full support for the vaccination of the world, Pope had this to say; “Thanks to God’s grace and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from Covid-19”

He added that vaccines “bring hope to end the pandemic, but only if they are available to all and if we collaborate with one”

Pope Francis went on to say that getting a Covid jab that is “authorized by the respective authorities” is an “act of love.” Helping others do the same, he said, is also an act of love. “Love for oneself, love for our families and friends, and love for all peoples. Love is also social and political.”

The Pope noted that social and political love is built up through “small, individual gestures capable of transforming and improving societies.”

Today, I also want to once again strongly urge all scientists, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies to only use ethical means in the development, research, design, and testing of vaccines, to avoid such world phenomenal catastrophes, of which we now suffer a lot.

May we continue to rely on Christ for strength and ask him to guide our doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals during this pandemic.

I also encourage our government of South Sudan and all the partners to make sure that these essential immunization goes far off into the villages to reach the most vulnerable.

God bless you all and let us remain committed in prayers for Healing and Peace in our nation!