Farmers at St. Paul Parish Praise CODEP for Transformative Agricultural Training

Farmers at St. Paul Parish Praise CODEP for Transformative Agricultural Training

Farmers at St. Paul Parish Praise CODEP for Transformative Agricultural Training

By Baraka John   

Fathers at St. Paul Catholic Parish at Gitkiri Boma on 7th June 2024 have expressed gratitude towards the Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CODEP) for their efforts in educating them on effective crop weeding techniques.  

“We are grateful for the support from CODEP in organizing this training, with the knowledge gained, we anticipate a significant improvement in our crop yields, which will ultimately benefit our community”  

The CODEP renowned for its commitment to farming programs, conducted a series of workshops and training sessions aimed at equipping farmers associations with the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance crop yields through efficient weeding practices.

Speaking at the closing of the two-day training, Simon Valerio, chairperson for the Kodati farmer group at St. Paul Parish, emphasized the significance of CODEP's initiatives, stating, that “The knowledge and techniques shared by CODEP have revolutionized our approach to crop management. We now understand the importance of timely and precise weeding, leading to healthier crops and increased productivity”.

Simon Valerio lauded the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese for Tombura Yambio for his focus on improving farming activities among farmers groups under the diocese, noting that the skills acquired will contribute to good yield in their farms.

Loise Wilson Mbirongua, a female farmer with the Kodati farmer group described the training as a milestone towards improving farming in the area and the Parish of St. Paul Gitiri Paris. He added, that she will use the knowledge acquired to teach fellow farmers who did not have access to attend the training.

On the other hand, the director of Agriculture in the CDTY who is also the principal of SARD institute, Rev, Fr. Bie Emmanuel Gbafu noted that weeding plays a crucial role in crop management by eliminating competing plants that deprive crops of essential nutrients, water, and sunlight.  

He further said, “Through hands-on demonstrations and theoretical sessions, participants learned the importance of timely weeding and the use of appropriate tools and techniques to minimize labor and maximize efficiency”. Bie disclosed

Bie said the training is the continuity of the CODEP’s project aimed at empowering local farmers in the diocese targeting three locations; Nandi Parish, Rii-rangu Parish, and Gitikiri Parish.   

He also disclosed that the training is in three phases; which include crop production, weed control, and pest and diseases.  

“We are going to put a demonstration farm in each parish, and in those farms, we will demonstrate four crops, notably maize, ground nuts, sorghum, and green gram”.

Mr. Ondrande Tako the COPEP’s human resource manager, reiterated COPED’s commitment to supporting farming activities among the farming groups within the diocese.

“We believe that empowering local farmers with practical skills is key to sustainable agricultural development. By focusing on improving crop production techniques such as weeding, we aim to contribute to the overall prosperity of farming communities in the diocese”. Tako stated. 

CODEP's holistic approach to agricultural education has not only improved crop yields but has also contributed to the overall socio-economic well-being of the farming families. By empowering farmers with practical skills and knowledge, CODEP has enabled them to achieve greater self-sufficiency and resilience in the face of challenges.

The collaborative efforts between CODEP and the farming community underscore the transformative impact of grassroots initiatives in fostering sustainable agricultural practices and empowering rural livelihoods.

As farmers continue to implement the newfound techniques and knowledge imparted by CODEP, the prospects for enhanced agricultural productivity and community prosperity remain promising, marking a significant step towards sustainable development in the Diocese.