Bishop Eduardo Call to Action: Embracing Agricultural Unity and Opportunity in Western Equatoria State

Bishop Eduardo Call to Action: Embracing Agricultural Unity and Opportunity in Western Equatoria State
Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, the bishop of CDTY

Bishop Eduardo Call to Action: Embracing Agricultural Unity and Opportunity in Western Equatoria State

By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA

In a stirring address during the Solemnity of Corpus Christi under the auspices of the National Eucharist Congress, on 2nd June 2024 at St. Mary Mother of God Parish Yambio, Barani Eduardo Hiiboro, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY), called upon the faithful of Western Equatoria State to embrace agricultural unity and opportunity. Speaking to a gathered congregation, the prelate highlighted the divine mandate to steward the land and work together for a prosperous future.

The Feast of Corpus Christi: A Celebration of Divine Generosity

 Reflecting on the significance of the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, a celebration that underscores God's infinite generosity, the local ordinary of CDTY noted that God offers us Jesus in His entirety, calling us to reciprocate by dedicating our lives to Him.

“How do we embrace the call of Jesus?” Bishop Hiiboro asked. “We receive Him fully through the bread, the fruit of the earth and human labor, transformed by God's grace into the body and blood of Christ.”

Drawing from John 6:51-52 and Mark 14:12-16, the bishop underscored the symbolism of bread in scripture, representing life and divine sustenance. He recounted the Israelites' journey through the desert, where God provided manna, and the story of Joseph in Egypt, where God's blessing on human labor averted a catastrophic famine.

The Divine Call to Agricultural Labor

Bishop Hiiboro emphasized that, like the Israelites and Egyptians, the people of Western Equatoria State are called to work the fertile fields that God has blessed.

“God commands us to work on the fertile fields of Western Equatoria, where He has already provided the miracle of abundance. Our prosperity depends on our willingness to labor and cultivate the land He has blessed us with,” he proclaimed.

Agriculture: A Path to Community, Hope, and Opportunity

Highlighting agriculture as more than mere crop cultivation, bishop Eduardo framed agriculture as the cultivation of community, hope, and opportunity, describing the fertile land of Western Equatoria as a divine gift that requires diligent stewardship, fostering unity and mutual support.

“Agriculture unites us by providing a shared purpose and a common goal,” he noted. “Through farming, we come together as a community, working side by side, sharing knowledge, and supporting one another.”

He further elaborated on the multifaceted benefits of agriculture: ensuring food security, creating jobs, stimulating the local economy, and protecting the environment through sustainable practices.

A Blueprint for Agricultural Success

Bishop Hiiboro in his address also outlined a comprehensive strategy to harness agriculture's full potential, urging the community to:

  1. Promote Peace and Unity: Agricultural collaboration fosters understanding and respect, overcoming divisions and tribalism.
  2. Embrace Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Healing past wounds allows the community to move forward with renewed purpose.
  3. Invest in Education and Training: Equipping farmers with modern techniques and sustainable practices enhances productivity.
  4. Ensure Children's Education: Empowering the next generation with knowledge and skills for agricultural innovation is essential.
  5. Form Cooperatives and Partnerships: Pooling resources and accessing larger markets through collective effort and support from businesses, NGOs, and government agencies.
  6. Embrace Innovation and Technology: Improving farming practices with advancements in irrigation, seeds, and fertilizers.
  7. Protect the Environment: Adopting sustainable practices to preserve natural resources for future generations.
  8. Stand Against Tribalism: Unity across ethnic lines strengthens society and fosters prosperity.

A Future of Abundance Through Agriculture

In his concluding remarks, Bishop Hiiboro envisioned a future where the people of Western Equatoria, through their commitment to agriculture, transform their land into a source of abundance, health, peace, unity, and opportunity.

“The future of Western Equatoria State is in our hands. By committing to agriculture, we can transform our land into a source of abundance, health, peace, unity, and opportunity. Let us work together, guided by God's grace, to cultivate a brighter future for all.”

In addition, the CDTY also offers certificate and Diploma Courses in Agriculture at the Sustainable Agricultural Rural for Development (SARD) Institute located in Yambio.

CDTY appeals to generous donors/Parishes/Institutions and all people of goodwill to extend their support to aspiring individuals who wish to enroll in certificate and diploma courses in agriculture at the SARD Institute in Yambio. Your contribution will empower the students to acquire valuable skills in sustainable agriculture, fostering positive change and sustainable development in the communities.

The SARD Institute offers courses categorized into three groups, each catering to different time frames and skill levels:

Category A: One to six weeks Category B1: Six months Category B2: 16 months