Successful Weed Control Training Highlights Importance of Continuous Agricultural Learning

Successful Weed Control Training Highlights Importance of Continuous Agricultural Learning
Fr. Bie with the Wenepaida farmers during the training

Successful Weed Control Training Highlights Importance of Continuous Agricultural Learning

By Baraka John

In a passionate address to the Wenepaida farmers group at St Peter and Paul Naandi Parish, Deacon Tito Makana John emphasized the critical importance of training farmers in effective crop production techniques as a pivotal strategy in eradicating hunger and improving livelihoods among the Christian congregation in the diocese.


Speaking during the closing of a two-day training on weed control to the Wenepaida farmers group conducted by the Catholic Organization for Peace and Development, (CODPE), Deacon Tito Makana Fuokpio John underscored that empowering farmers with knowledge on modern agricultural practices could significantly enhance crop yields and food security.

He further highlighted that despite technological advancements in agriculture, many small-scale farmers in the diocese continue to face challenges due to limited access to information and resources.

"Training our farmers is not just an option but a necessity if we are to achieve food security and alleviate hunger," Deacon stated. "By equipping them with skills in crop rotation, we can ensure sustainable agricultural practices that yield better harvests year-round."  

This initiative, supported by partners of CODEP focuses on practical training sessions conducted by agricultural experts to help the local farmers adopt the modern ways of farming.

Madeline Hakim, a local farmer with the Wenepaida farmers group who has participated in the training programs, noted; that "Simple changes in farming techniques that we were taught will lead to increased crop yields and improve incomes for our group and families. We appeal for more training and supply of more farming tools because we are determined to work in this season,” Madeline stated.  


Mr. Martin Wardi, chairperson for the Wenepaida Farmers Group in Naandi, said the training focuses on practical demonstrations and hands-on learning experiences tailored to the specific needs of the Wenepaida Farmers Group, citing participants were introduced to integrated weed management strategies and culture, designed to minimize the adverse effects of weeds on crop growth.  

"We are grateful to CODEP and all partners involved for this valuable opportunity. The knowledge gained here will help us improve our farming practices and achieve better harvests," Wardi said.  

As the community looks towards the future, Mr. Wardi urged continued collaboration between stakeholders to expand educational opportunities for farmers and ensure sustainable food production practices across the diocese.

On the other hand, Fr. Bie Emmanuel Gbafu, the diocesan director of agriculture, in his closing remarks encouraged participants to apply the knowledge they have gained from the training to their farming practices effectively. "Let us implement what we have learned diligently," he urged. "Together, we can work towards a future where hunger is no longer a barrier to our community's well-being."  

Fr. Emmanuel Bie

Rev Fr. Emmanuel promised that the diocese will continue to empower communities through agriculture practical skills development and capacity-building initiatives, to address broader issues of food insecurity and poverty alleviation in the diocese.   

The successful completion of the weed control training session at St. Peter and Paul - Naandi Parish reaffirms the importance of continuous learning and collaboration in achieving sustainable agriculture and hunger eradication goals.