“Mental Health of Children in Tombura Under Threat”, Says Bishop Hiiboro

“Mental Health of Children in Tombura Under Threat”, Says Bishop Hiiboro

“Mental Health of Children in Tombura Under Threat”, Says Bishop Hiiboro

By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA

During his pastoral visit to Tombura County on 19th May 2024, bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala expressed his fear of the mental well-being of children since they are the terrible victims of conflict.

“I’m afraid of their mental well-being because they live in small squeezed places with hundreds and hundreds of children sleeping on the ground and it’s not a good sight at all”.

Bishop Hiiboro added that for children in Tombura, the opportunity to attend school has become a distant dream, the relentless conflict has shattered the educational infrastructure, leaving countless children without access to school and lack of adequate clothing.

“Children are not able to go to school, there’s no proper care for them, they have no clothing and they have to cover up hygiene, no food, and no other services that are meant for children”.

In his voice message shared with the Rurugene Online Newsletter, the prelate called upon the global community to act; “I’m asking and I’m calling on people of goodwill to help, at least let them see how to support even if it is just for clothing, for eating and other services. I am calling on everyone and the entire Diocese, the people of South Sudan, and the world to help us to take care of these native children.