Bishop Eduardo Applauds Efforts of Major General Akech in Restoring Peace in Tombura County

Bishop Eduardo Applauds Efforts of Major General Akech in Restoring Peace in Tombura County
Bishop Eduardo and General Akech

Bishop Eduardo Applauds Efforts of Major General Akech in Restoring Peace in Tombura County

By Joseph Enarsto

Following the request of Bishop Eduardo to Hon. Salvakir the president of South Sudan, to declare a state of emergency in Tombura, bishop Eduardo on his visit to Tombura County on 19th May 2024, noted that the president sent Major General James Akech who is already doing a good job of bringing peace to Tombura people.

“I had appealed to the president to declare a state of emergency in the entire Tombura, and the president sent Major General James Akech, this man is doing a good job he’s already disarming the people and the sense of peace is returning to the area now”.

He continued, “I thank the President for sending him to bring peace to the Tombura area and to thank him for the efforts he is making and for all that he is doing to ensure that peace prevails”.

On his part, the commander of the Division 6 troops SSPDF, Major General James Akech on Sunday, said “There shall be no more death reports in the area of Tombura following the deployment of government forces in the area”.

Aketch added that lots of criminal reports involving bloodshed, abduction of civilians, and injuring hundreds while thousands have been displaced to IDP camps in Tombura, which raised alarm for quick government intervention to curb the growing tensions in the area.

Speaking at a public gathering on Sunday in Mupoi Payam, General Aketch told civilians that there would be no more death in greater Tombura following his deployment, and promised to work in collaboration with the government of South Sudan to bring back peace to Tambura

However, General Aketch pleaded to the civilians to hand over their firearms to authorized persons citing that civilians holding guns must surrender them in the hands of government officials.

 Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala applauded the civilians for the warm welcome and love shown for the deployed forces, urging them to work together in search of durable and permanent peace in Tombura