“Wealth and Privilege Don't Define a Shepherd”, Bishop Kussala To 30 Seminarians

“Wealth and Privilege Don't Define a Shepherd”, Bishop Kussala To 30 Seminarians
Bishop Hiiboro and the Seminarians

“Wealth and Privilege Don't Define a Shepherd”, Bishop Kussala To 30 Seminarians

By Joseph Ernesto

In a stirring address to the returning seminarians from Nairobi after finishing their Philosophy classes, the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY) Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala emphasized the importance of embracing the call to shepherd ship, even for those who may come from positions of wealth and privileges.

Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala

The 30 young seminarians, fresh off their studies in Kenya, had gathered to receive the bishop's words of encouragement and guidance as they continued their journey toward the priesthood.

It was a time of both celebration and introspection, as they reflected on the challenges they had faced and the path that lay ahead.

The bishop began with his voice resonating with a deep sense of purpose, that the call to serve as a shepherd in the Church is not dependent on your earthly status or how wealthy you are. It is a calling that transcends the material world and demands the full surrender of one's heart and soul.

On the other hand, seminarians expressed their happiness to the diocese by sharing their experience of the exposure visit which allowed them to meet new friends and taste different food from other regions. 

“Even if you are a millionaire," the bishop continued, "the Lord still requires you to pick up your staff and guide His people with the same unwavering dedication as the poorest among us. Sharing the situation of Tombura with the seminarians, bishop Eduardo as an example to learn from, he stressed that the “true measure of a shepherd is not in the size of their purse but in the depth of their compassion and the strength of their faith."

He continued, “To be a true shepherd, one must be willing to lay down his desires and embrace the needs of the community. For in doing so, you will not only fulfill your divine purpose but also become a beacon of hope for all who seek the guidance of the Lord”.