Anne Kigo “No Development Without Communication, and Consider the State of the Person You are Talking to”

Anne Kigo “No Development Without Communication, and Consider the State of the Person You are Talking to”
Mrs. Anne Kigo

Anne Muitiriri “No Development Without Communication, and Consider the State of the Person You are Talking to”

By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA

In her presentation with over 40 South Sudanese students on communication etiquette, Mrs. Ann Kigo reminded the participants that there is “No development without communication, and consider the state of the person they are talking to.

During her presentation themed “Communication for Success in Social and Professional Spaces”, Anne elaborated on the elements of the communication process stressing to the students to consider what they are communicating, what they are feeling, and what those they are speaking to feel and hear.

What do we communicate? What do we and those we speak to hear/feel?”

To create good feelings and thoughts during communication, Anne told the participants to consider the choice of words, be sensitive, and empathetic, and use respectful words, she added, it's not what you say, it's how you say and therefore they have to pay attention to their tone when communicating.

She further said, “Show interest while communicating by not interrupting the conversation, maintaining eye contact, using verbal cues and affirmation, and always having a reflective response.

She discouraged the students avoid phrases that show lack of confidence when communicating;

“I’m not sure, but…”

“I might be wrong, but…..”

“I don’t know if this makes sense, but…..”

“This might be a silly question, but…..”

Quoting C.S. Lewis, she said; be humble, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, its thinking of yourself less”.