Farewell to Bishop Paride De Great: A Humble Peacemaker's Last Resting Place

Farewell to Bishop Paride De Great: A Humble Peacemaker's Last Resting Place

Farewell to Bishop Paride De Great: A Humble Peacemaker's Last Resting Place

Bishop Paride dying at 87, on All Saints Day and being laid to Rest on the Feast of Pope St Leo the Great, with these and many others, you have left an inedible mark in South Sudan, Sudan, and the rest of Africa and the world as a peace-builder, a peace-maker, and a servant leader.

In establishing the Peace Village, you left a permanent example of how to be a pastor with the smell of a sheep and how to heal the wounds and brokenness of war through love, selfless sacrifice, and boundless energy for God's suffering people.

You will remain our wise, humble, holy, and peace-loving brother, for giving your life for God's people, especially the poor, the broken, and the wounded.

Being laid to Rest on the Feast Day of Pope St. Leo the Great, we wish the same for you.

May he intercede for you to be among the great saints of God.

Go well my friend and mentor Bishop Paride the Great. See you soon!

From Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala