CODEP Provides Crucial Support to Leprosy-Affected Community in Nzara County with Aid from Italian Priest

CODEP Provides Crucial Support to Leprosy-Affected Community in Nzara County with Aid from Italian Priest

CODEP Provides Crucial Support to Leprosy-Affected Community in Nzara County with Aid from Italian Priest

 By Baraka John

 In a heartfelt gesture to alleviate the plight of individuals affected by leprosy in Nzara County, the Catholic Organization for Peace and Development (CODEP) on 19th July 2024 offered support forward support to essential items including Nakindo Sene parish.

Mr. Mario Bati, shared his joy at receiving the provisions, saying, “This is so great, now I am happy because of this gesture you have extended to us”.

Suzan Adia, a person with disabilities caused by leprosy, echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the impact of the donation in alleviating hunger. "We are happy for this donation," Adia said. She also called upon the bishop and donors to advocate for medical support to address persistent wounds affecting the community living with leprosy.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Mr. John Award, chairperson for people living with Leprosy in Nzara expressed, "We thank the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY) and the donor for their support”.

The distribution was conducted by CODEP staff members, who ensured that the aid reached those most in need promptly and efficiently. The initiative not only provided immediate relief but also underscored the ongoing commitment of humanitarian organizations and donors to support vulnerable populations in South Sudan


This initiative was made possible through financial support from Don (Fr) Vincenzo, an Italian priest.