Bishop’s Heartfelt Message for South Sudan’s 13th Independence Day: Faith, Reflection, and Hope

Bishop’s Heartfelt Message for South Sudan’s 13th Independence Day: Faith, Reflection, and Hope

Bishop’s Heartfelt Message for South Sudan’s 13th Independence Day: Faith, Reflection, and Hope

"On behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio, I extend to you all the blessings of God our Creator on this significant day of our national independence - the Republic of South Sudan. As we celebrate our singular freedom, let us also unite in the resilience of faith, keeping Jesus Christ, our Savior, and King, at the center of our New Republic.

I wish you all the best day regards, blessings, and joy of our independence of the senior Republic of South Sudan. Moments such as this when we celebrate our independence is a moment in which we remain extensive to recall to mind all our brothers and sisters the Founding Fathers, the freedom fighters, and all those who contributed to the creation, birth, and independence of the Republic of South Sudan. Many are unknown and many are known.

Again dear brothers and sisters as we celebrate Independence Day such as this, is also an important moment where we need to return gratitude to God, this didn’t come out of the blue, and this is not something we can say we did it on our own but our creator who created South Sudan before we came into being made it so beautiful the way it is and decided to create us in his image, and happy in this republic who was on the forefront of everything that we did to have the Republic of South Sudan and to Him we return or gratitude and appreciation and also promise to continue to behave as children of God in this new Republic.

As we celebrate this day, I would like to encourage us that this is also a moment of reflection, a moment in which we take stalks of all that we do, what has gone wrong, and above all concentrate on those good things that we have done so far during these 13 years. It is from here that we need then to pick up on those things truly that can make us proud, that can make our nation stable, and that can make our nation great.

 I’m aware of the hardships within our country, within our diocese, the economic hardship, things has not been well up to now, but may this period that we now Celebrate the independence of our republic be a moment in which we seek together as a people, solution to the hardship, economic hardship we go through, that we together can be able to tell things around for the good of all of us, let us be compassionate, let us be loving, and let us be caring and let us exercise the spirit of solidarity among ourselves during this hard time and let us never despair let us remain with hope.

 I would also like to say yes at this moment we are at a crossroads where we are all thinking regarding elections, I would like to remind all those who are concerned and upon whom the responsibility of the decision arrest to pray and to take a decision that will not return this country into bloodshed, into another more suffering and we should not also prolong the pains and difficult to the people but a decision that would be able to liberate us from war that we go through now to bring our country into a peaceful solution, please think, pray, and decide out of love with the proper political will and bring peace to this country.

 As I conclude, I would like to ask all of us to remain in prayer, let us continue to pray, because as we pray the dictation that is in our prayer comes upon all of us to do the right thing, to behave well and to think in the right direction, please you people and we the people South Sudan we should never regret to have the Republic that we have, but always let us look at the bigger picture which can provide all the goods that we long for.

Happy Independence Day, You Children of South Sudan!