Bishop Hiiboro Expresses Concerns Over Random Gunshots at Night in Yambio

Bishop Hiiboro Expresses Concerns Over Random Gunshots at Night in Yambio

Bishop Hiiboro Expresses Concerns Over Random Gunshots at Night in Yambio

By Elias Ginana  

The Catholic Bishop of Tombura-Yambio, Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, has raised alarm over the persistent gunfire heard at night in Yambio’s residential areas, which has left citizens in fear and uncertainty.

Speaking to congregants at St. Mary Mother of God Parish on Sunday, Bishop Hiiboro expressed deep concern about the ongoing gunfire incidents, which have been occurring for over a month without any clear communication from local authorities.

Since the situation started people have been living in constant fear due to the random gunshots at night and there has been no public explanation to address the situation, leaving residents vulnerable and worried about their safety.

According to bishop Eduardo, reports have been flooding in from members of the public and the Christian community, informing the diocese about gunfire in various parts of the town.

Areas such as Suk Siro, AK1, AK2, Masiya market, and even nearby army barracks have witnessed these unsettling events, yet no information has been provided to clarify the cause or reassure the population.

“The church is deeply concerned because there has been no official directive or guidance from the relevant authorities. The citizens deserve to be informed about what’s happening”, he added. Bishop Hiiboro urged the police to take responsibility for communicating with the public, offering early warnings and advice on what to do when gunfire erupts.

The Bishop also pledged to meet with the police authorities in Yambio to seek clarity on the issue, stressing the need for transparent and proactive communication from the government to protect the people.