Retired Anglican Pastor Calls for Empowerment of Young People in South Sudan

Canon Enosa Peni a retired pastor in Yambio, Western Equatoria State, has underscored the need to empower young people in South Sudan to enhance development in the country. The retired pastor who was born in 1923 in Yambio foresees stable and tranquility in South Sudan only when the young becomes responsible.

Retired Anglican Pastor Calls for Empowerment of Young People in South Sudan
Retired Canon Enosa Peni (center) with his son Archbishop Samuel Enosa Peni
Retired Anglican Pastor Calls for Empowerment of Young People in South Sudan

 Canon Enosa Peni a retired pastor in Yambio, Western Equatoria State, has underscored the need to empower young people in South Sudan to enhance development in the country. The retired pastor who was born in 1923 in Yambio foresees stable and tranquility in South Sudan only when the young become responsible.

 During an interview with Rurugene Online News, said that South Sudan has gained its independence in 2011 is required by law to empower its young people who make 75% of the country’s total population. He feels that the youth have zeal and passion and can be made to focus on projects and hard work. All they need is human formation and encouragement towards critical thinking on decision matters.

 The 97-year-old Canon Enosa said that from his youth, he chose to serve South Sudan through the Angelican Church soon after the arrival of the first Missionaries who brought Angelican faith in Yambio in 1912.

 “During my youth days, I dedicated my efforts towards learning from the missionaries. I, later on, became a Canon, a teacher, and trainer in the church and I did the translation of Church history from English into Pazande the predominant language spoken in the Western part of South Sudan,” Canon Enosa explained.

 “Many successful people in Africa and indeed the whole world strategically focus on tapping the talents and vibrancy of its young people who are capable of birthing new ideas for development. South Sudan should not be an exception,” the retired Canon expressed.

 He is worried that should young people not be guided well in South Sudan, the future would be catastrophic. He, therefore, challenged the churchmen and women in the country as well as the government to spearhead initiatives towards the empowerment of young people in the country. He said that the future of churches as institutions as well as the government depends on how much they invest in young people in terms of psychological and mental mentorship.

 I'm and will be happy to see you the young people paying attention to advise from your elders. Be prayerful and with watchful eye and minds if you want to build a legacy for which you will be remembered,” Canon Enosa who is the father to the Archbishop of Episcopal Church of South Sudan His Grace Samuel Enosa Peni for Western Equatoria Internal Province advised the young people.

By Elias Ginana Mangbondo